Episode 295 – The Law of WOLTraction

When you think about consuming things and weight-loss, you probably think about food.  However, we also consume ideas.  We get these ideas from the people in our lives, the books we read, the TV shows and movies we watch, the social media we follow, and even the podcasts we listen to.  This week, Catherine and Donald, inspired by an episode of the School of Self Image, ask you to think about whether you are consciously consuming the ideas in your life.  When was the last time you challenged yourself to level up?  Look at what you’re influenced by and ask yourself if it’s serving you and inspiring you, or just upsetting you and keeping you stuck where you are?  If you keep consuming the same ideas and spending time with the same people, you’ll end up with the same results.  Plus, Donald lurks with turkeys, Catherine thinks cannibalism is fun, and the couple want you to spend the next four months eliminating all joy.

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School of Self Image Podcast – with Tonya Leigh

You Are the Average of the Five People Quote: 5 Lessons by Connie Mathers

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